Quick Start Guide
Set up your Kahuna in 3 easy steps
Step 1:
Connect the Kahuna to your autopilot
Step 2:
Power on your GCS and your UAV
Step 3:
Connect your GCS Wi-Fi to the Kahuna SSID: BeyondRobotix Password: beyondrobotix (Remember - the password has no capitals)
Misson Planner or QGroundControl will connect to your UAV automatically!
If that didn't work, try setting these parameters in your autopilot.
If using PX4, set the following parameters: SER_TEL1_BAUD = 57600 (57600 8N1)
If using ArduPilot, set the following parameter SERIAL1_BAUD = 57 (57600) SERIAL1_PROTOCOL = 2 (MAVLink2)
This assumes you are plugging the Kahuna into Telem1. If you are plugging it into Telem 2, use SERIAL2_BAUD and SERIAL2_PROTOCOL for Ardupilot and SER_TEL2_BAUD for PX4
Make sure to reboot your autopilot after changing parameters.
Last updated